7 Dryer Vent Safety Facts You Should Know | we don't think much about our clothes dryers. It is a machine that is intended to dry our laundry, day after day. Have you ever thought about where all the accumulated lint actually goes past the vent? We clean the lint trap and think that's enough. But this is not the case !
Your fluff is like a ticking time bomb. Many people don't feel the need to worry about lint because they clean the filter after every drying cycle. The thing is, fine particles are constantly getting into vents and if those vents are clogged, you are putting your home in a dangerous situation. Lint is a highly combustible material that can accumulate in both the dryer and the dryer vent. You may notice that your dryer is taking longer to dry your clothes or that your laundry room has a lot of moisture buildup or even a musty smell.
These are signs that the dryer fan is blocked. Lint builds up inside the vent that exits your home, preventing the dryer from working properly. This can eventually cause the dryer to ignite. You can prevent dryer fires by having the dryer fan inspected and cleaned every two years. Approximately 2,900 dryer vent fires are reported each year in residential buildings.
Five deaths each year, with approximately 100 injuries resulting from these fires. $35 million in material losses will result annually as a result of this lawsuit. Don't let that be you!
7 Dryer Vent Safety Facts
According to manufacturer's specifications and local regulations, dryer ducts must be a minimum of 4 inches in diameter and at least the length
Unless otherwise specified by the dryer manufacturer or local code, the developed length of the dryer exhaust duct should not exceed 25 feet.
(When determining developed length, each 90º turn adds 5 feet to actual length.)
Dryer vents should be independent of all other systems and terminate in the open air , not in a chimney, crawl space or attic .
The dryer's external vent termination hood should be equipped with a rear draft damper to ensure the exhaust does not flow back into the house.
Metal transition ducts must be used between the dryer and the exhaust duct.
Flexible transition ducts should never be used in an attic, crawl space or inside a wall.
The CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician certification is the only nationally recognized certification of its kind.
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